visual arts 10


The piece is made up of a number of shimmering squares of bright color that leap from the canvas, then appear to shimmer, drawing the viewer into those neon lights.  Mondrian replaced former solid lines with lines created from small adjoining rectangles of color, created in part by using small pieces of paper tape in various colors. Larger unbounded rectangles of color punctuate the design, some with smaller concentric rectangles inside them.

When i was making this picture i was thinking about my squares and how i wanted some skinney and some fat lines, which made skinny and fat squares. And i was also thinking about the colors, yellow, blue and red.
i wanted to distribute the colors evenly and i didnt want any towards the centre of the painting, because the squares get bigger towards the centre of the painting

My Mondrian painting

This is my painting, i used the colors used to create mondrian paintings (black, blue, yellow, and red).
I started by painting the canvas completely black, then using painters tape over the black, creating lines. Then i painted over the tape white and then some squares different mondrian colors. Then i took the lape off and it left chrisp black lines and all i needed to do was touch up the painting and gloss over the dry paint for a glossy effect :)

Examples of others work

This one is different because it has a lot of colors and there is big squares.

This one is different because it is zoomed in .
This one is different because it is sideways and it kind of has a story behind it.
This one is different because it has a sort of background behind it.
Last but not least this one is different because its lines arent as straight .